Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Violence or Creativity?

ooooo violence

ok not as violent as the other loony toons shows but you get the idea.

Carol Gilligan's article Images of Relationships is to me highly misleading. The article is based on males being more violent then women. This is obvious but the evidence she uses to support this is inadequate. Her evidence is based on individuals who are asked to write stories of certain pictures shown. To me this is like asking someone to come up with a story that is interesting.

When I say interesting stories I expect drama, comedy, action, fear, courage, love, something that is well thought out. The stories of the men of Mrs. Gilligan's article are, although grim, very interesting, very descriptive, and can easily be followed up with a second part. The same can be said for the story written by a woman in the article about a student poisoning a teacher with arsenic.

A good example of this is the fact that these violent stories could be the premise of a mystery story such as the one where the man is drowning in a frozen lake. Another example would be for the trapeze artists, in which their accident due to the lack of a net can lead to a very good drama story which can include a bit of romance. A story of the two trapeze artists not taking risks and never suffering through any form of trouble would not be very interesting.

I am very sorry to say but violence is what makes or breaks many stories. Romeo and Juliet a romantic novel with a violent end is a very good example. If they lived happily ever after guess what that story has been done many times before and the story would not be worth remembering.

Without violence there is no villain and there is no hero. Without violence there is also no drama no point in unexpected sadness, and no real passion. Stories, movies, shows, and cartoons will be very boring.

To judge men off of the things they write in my mind is detrimental to this author.

Also if men who wrote violent stories are so violent then am I to assume that every movie director, actor, and member of the production of certain films is violent in nature? No of course not. It depends entirely on the individual.

The example above merely shows that women are just as violent as men.
Violence is in all of us. We think of it and for most of us that is as far as we go. Some would argue that it is human nature since any person would think violent thoughts if wronged.

Come on if you really want a story to be politically correct without violence or some form of grim twist I'll end by writing a story for you.

There is a girl/boy and a girl/boy. They like each other. Nothing bad ever happened. They live happily ever after.

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