Thursday, May 19, 2011
The Damned Old Man
Blog #10 Fear of Feminism
Feminist is not so scary!
As I read through the section titled “Fear of Feminism” I could only think of myself and the survey that we had taken at the beginning of the semester. On that survey, I stated that I was not a Feminist…. Oh how wrong that I was and how right Valent was- I was a hardcore feminist in denial. This section illustrates why women are so afraid to be labeled as feminist or identifying as one. Fear of political reprisals, homophobia, being taken out of the dating pool, being labeled in negative ways and so on and so on. Even after so many years of education, it saddens me to think that I fell for all of this nonsense. It is not only young girl that fear feminist labels but older educated women as well (as seen in the results of our class survey!). I consider myself to be an intelligent person, but this reality was definitely an eye opener. I strongly believe that everyone should be required to take a women’s study course in their education it is essential in our culture that highly values equality. I am glad that I will not leave Cal State Fullerton thinking that I am not a feminist. Now that I realize this importance, I kind of feel embarrassed for not initially accepting that I am indeed a feminist. Thank you WMST 302 for taking off the blindfold from my eyes and making me that much less ignorant on the topic.
Need for more "Real Men"
Real men join the movement! Men are more than ever are going movements that are being labeled as pro-feminist men. I think these movements are important to moving the idea of equality between genders to the next level and to be more effective in the world and America more importantly. I feel that men are afraid to join the movement because of what others will say, it was not too long ago when women were scrutinized for being apart of such movements. I think that men do not even have to join such profeminist groups but just be true about who they are and what they feel toward the feminist movement. Men need to act like men and be who they really are. Too much of the time people are elated about things that do not matter but when it comes to important topics such as feminism they shrink back. You must stand up for what you believe and not be afraid to step up and talk. I know that our class is exactly like this, we all write in our blogs and are all serious, blunt and objective with our points but yet we get to class and there are very few who talk and share their opinions in person. Why is this so? Are we afraid individuals? We need more real men!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
I'm one of them, or was...
Be Not Afraid
No End.
In the article, Fear of Feminism, several arguments are made as to why women are not more involved, or do not identify themselves as feminine. I think in addition to these ideas another important idea to consider is the fact that people in general simply want someone else to solve their problems. We all want life to be easy and relaxed. After all it is so troublesome to actually get somehow involved right? Its hard for me to get up out of my comfortable bed every Tuesday and Thursday for my early classes, but I do it anyways because I know that it is best for me to do so. People do things they do not necessarily like every day. So why is it not the same sort of concept when it comes to feminism and political involvement? First of all, the results of their actions would not be seen for a long time to come, so there is a loss of the common feeling of instant gratification. I think it is the idea of an easy, relaxing life in a world of material envy, which so many people want, that keeps them from taking political action. People think that the government is in control of everything and it is somehow keeping us in the dark and controlled, but what the people need to do is see that they should not be blaming the government for upholding this inequality. Instead the people should be blaming themselves for a lack of political action. If we remain the way we are, longing for the easy, relaxed life, then the problem will never end. In the end, the end has no end.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Fear of the Unknown
We have discussed in the class earlier in the semester as to why young women do not identify themselves as feminist. We came to the conclusion that many young women do not know what exactly a feminist is or what feminism can do for them personally. We have also talked about how there are not enough women in politics and many of the women in out class admitted to not being fully engaged in politics. In Fear of Feminism, Hogeland briefly talks about the fear of politics in women. I think this is a major reason as to why young women fear feminism. If women do not know what is going on in the political sphere, how can they fight for women’s rights? It would look quite foolish to strive for women’s equality when you do not know what those inequalities are. Politics can be complicated especially if it is something that you aren’t interested in. Although everyone should have some interest because it ultimately impacts you, it can also be quite intimidating. This goes back to not having enough women in politics to represent women and their needs. If more women held political positions, I think more women would become more involved in politics and less fearful of being a feminist.
I think another major why women fear feminism is because they have not been personally affected in a way to be concerned. Young women may have the mentally “If it’s not broke, don’t fix it” in their head. Hogeland made a good point in her essay saying, “the longer you live, the more likely you are to have experienced men’s violence or to know women who are survivors of it and thus to have a range and scope of that violence.” This is not just talking about violence against women, but all issues in feminism. If young women haven’t experienced any personal issues in feminism, they feel nothing is wrong and that women have reached equality. There is then a fear to explore the unknown of what they have never experienced. Many young people in general want to experience things for themselves. They want to learn the hard way despite someone telling them “I’ve been there and done that”. For some young women, they may not listen when they are being told that feminism is something to fight for. They may wait until they have experienced something for themselves that leads them out of the dark and tells them what feminism really is, making it more personal.
Men in the movement
Friday, May 13, 2011
I’m hoping by now you notice that I was speaking sarcastically. I thought I would mention that, in case, any of you feminists don’t have a sense of humor! Anyhow, I would have said most of these things before ever taking this class but no matter how cliché this may sound this class truly changed my perspective on things. Okay maybe I did know what I was getting myself into or perhaps I did have a lot of prior knowledge about the topics discussed in class, but I’m hoping others were able to notice how terribly, ugly and unequal our world is after taking this course. I’m also hoping a lot of things written and promised in these blogs will be fulfilled. I confess I still fear feminism. I admit that I occasionally mock the 19th amendment and women studies classes around my friends just to get a laugh but in all truth I am a frightened, budding feminist. Some people may argue that feminism is long lost and an unnecessary cause while others full-heartedly parade through streets for equality. I sort of just fall in the middle. I came into this class with intentions of completeling my last GE class but instead of satiating my thirst for knowledge and all that is feminist and right I've only hungered for more. My place in the middle of these two spheres are a result of this class, I don’t know how further I can go. Hodgeland’s essay clearly points this out and my feelings towards feminism are only further perpetuated by the prospect that speaking about gender issues among my friends will no longer be unexcused by my enrollment in the class. What will I do now? I could say that I have triumphed over the mighty beast and have quenched this undying thirst for equality for men and women through just writing blogs and reading scholarly essays and writing a research paper, but I would be lying. I don’t feel prepared to step out of my comfortable niche that is room 34 in the Education building. Maybe I am well off to make a revolution and change a power system that is suppressing a minority or maybe I will return to my idle, boring life of school, work and friends. I don’t know what the future awaits me but all I know is that feminism is frightening.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Don't be afraid to take a stand!
As I read “Fear of Feminism” I was brought back to some of the earlier readings that mentioned the various reasons women feared feminism, whether it was fear of being called a lesbian or fear of being marginalized, the reality still is that young women walk away from feminism. Hogeland makes many valid points as to why young women are so afraid and a particular point I found interesting was the one of complacency; apparently, young women have become complacent through “gender consciousness”. It is true, we are normally afraid and alert when walking through lonely, dark places but I had never really thought of this as a reason to fear feminism. I guess this consciousness brought up through social constructions gives young women the idea that they are to “play their feminine role” and remain vulnerable not loud women’s rights activists. Like Hogeland says, young women feel it is “far easier to rest in silence” and avoid any consequences that come with becoming involved with the feminist movement.
I admit I am not one to go out and join the feminist movement; I recognize I am a feminist, but I wouldn’t necessarily organize a protest. I feel one of the main problems today with young women is the lack of awareness toward feminism. Before taking this course I would not have considered myself a feminist, young women need to be properly informed so they aren’t stuck believing the usual negative stereotypes. Women have the right to be heard and the right to fight for their place in society, the problem is that most are afraid to take a stand and get noticed.
Sparks of Rebellion
Of course in the world we live in today this is a fact. People standing up and fighting against unequal rights has been apart of our history for so long. Think of men and woman such as Rosa Parks, and Martin Luther King standing up for rights for all colored people. They saw strife and a restriction of equality and fought for against such cruel treatment. They fought when dogs were unleashed on them, when churches and homes were bombed, when fellow brother were hung from trees, they still fought. They fought until they won. This book shows that even in absolute hopelessness, the human spirit to fight against what is wrong will always be present.
Misplaced Fear
The Silence of Feminism
I think in response to this reading, and in response to the fear that many women face by joining the movement. I would suggest to not take the freedom we have achieved this far for granted, just how the government has granted certain rights over the years in this country, with their power and as long as men still remain in high power positions, all these rights and changes achieved could be taken away the same way they were given, unless women decide to step up their game and do something about it. Women should not be afraid to fight for their movement, not only do it for themselves, but also for their kids and future generations to come. Women can make of the power and government what they want if they put their mind and heart to it. The only thing women in today’s society should fear is God, other than that, why not take a stand and continue to fight for women’s equality all over the world, one person at a time.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Taking things for granted
The book also shows how women who are in the best positions in these new societies still aren't happy when you look at Serena Joy, and how even trying to build a resistance will have large amounts of casualties considering the original Ofglen hung herself. It shows the brutality of a new society in which people are beaten to death for facing crimes they didn't commit only because they were vocally resistant about their rights. The book has clearly shown how woman's rights need to be continually fought for and that women need to appreciate both how far they have come and how farther they need to go.
The book was quite enjoyable and I found it to be very similar in some respects to 1984, only this one focuses on women's rights in a totalitarian patriarchal government whereas 1984 focuses on a society wherever everyone was restricted. I do wish the book focused on some of the males who may have been fighting for the females more, as while it was focused on women's rights I feel the guys were underrepresented in the book except when portrayed as dominating men who simply used women which makes sense, it just would have been nice to see male perspective from one who wants equality.
The Irony
All throughout this entire book I have read chapter after chapter in which women are being deprived of their birth rights, or any rights for that matter. The whole purpose of the state of Gilead is to deprive women of their rights and create a world in which men hold all of the power. In chapter 42 we see the act of salvaging which is in fact not that at all. The Salvaging takes place in what used to be a part of Harvard. There three women, 2 handmaids and 1 wife are hung in front of a giant group of women. Next a Guardian is brought forth for the act of Particicution. The man is accused of having raped a woman and cause a miscarriage, although who knows what he really did. It is important to question what those in charge say because they are members of Gilead and they will do anything to get their masses under control. What happens next is a brutal beating to the Guardian handed down by the women who decided to stay after the Salvaging.
The salvaging and particution work to show that anyone who resists or rebels against the standards and expectations of Gilead will be punished. Those in power want people to realize that they can do nothing to escape their grasp. The old way of thinking must be tossed aside, and one must incorporate themselves into their new daily lives. In the case of the Handmaids, the hangings work to reinforce their helplessness to the totalitarian regime. It can also be said that Atwood means to show the ways that those in charge separate women into two types, which is something that even we in real life have come to see. In the book one can become a nuisance, but get hung; in real life women can have sex, but get called a whore. I might be looking in too deep, but I feel as though this is something Atwood could be addressing if one were to look deeper into the lines.
Control of Women
The control of women is a dominant idea in this novel. The reign of Gilead is dependant on this and this alone. The Commanders who first developed Gilead used several tactics to rid women of their independence. The first would be outlawing women to work and own their own bank account. Another would be that women no longer had control over their bodies. The Handmaids were used to make children and were raped by the Commanders while the Wives watched. Another tactic that was used to control women in Gilead was the language used. Women no longer had names but were defined by their positions. Handmaid’s names became that of the Commander they worked for. Offred was the Handmaid OF FRED. This use of language takes away women’s individuality and makes them mold into the framework of Gilead. Another interesting use of language is that of the Unwoman. Unwomen are those unable to conceive a child. This title puts power into childbearing and makes all those who can not conceive think they are not worthy to be called a woman. The control of women in Gilead is not too far off from the type of control women struggle with in America today. Women are fighting for rights to control their body and be able to provide for themselves. Today language is also used to control women such as the term slut or the negative connotations associated with the word feminist.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Salvaging and Particicution celebrations of Gilead
Once again, Atwood creates a paradoxical situation in part XIV when the “salvaging” takes place; women are hanged for unnamed crimes in front of Harvard University and an audience of women as well. Atwood describes the salvaging as a routine practice where “[they] take [their] places in the standard order” (273) and she even describes the accused as looking like “graduating students” (273) on stage. This is very ironic because a salvaging means saving, yet these women are being hanged and killed for actions that Gilead considered crimes. This proceeding only enforces the totalitarian regime of Gilead since it is apparent that the hanging of these prisoners “salvages” and helps maintain the strict rule of the Gilead Regime. It almost becomes a show where the women play a guessing game to guess the crime of the abused, since “the crimes of others are a secret language among [them]” (275). The salvaging works to show that anyone who opposes or acts against the set behaviors will be punished and Gilead cannot be over ruled, instead the hangings reinforce the powerlessness of women and the powerful totalitarian regime.
Another strange event of Gilead is seen in Chapter 43: “Particicution”, in which the group of Handmaids are allowed to attack a Commander who has been “convicted of rape”, and thus” has abused his position of trust” (278) so he must die. The Particicution is an interesting event in which the Handmaid’s actually have power over a commander. I believe this event may also be used to punish those who dare act against the set rules of Gilead. On the other hand, the Particiuction also allows the Handmaids to let out their anger and frustration for being so powerless under the totalitarian government. Gilead has manages to strip women of their identity and those few involved in Mayday are punished harshly if found out; punished by Paricicution maybe. When Ofglen mentioned that the commander they were beating “was a political…one of [them]” (280) I realized that the rape accusation was nothing but a constructed story to fool the Handmaids into believing he deserved to be beaten and killed. Again, the Gilead society blocks off individuals who try to deceive it; it seems like no ONE person can fight the Republic of Gilead.