The control of women is a dominant idea in this novel. The reign of Gilead is dependant on this and this alone. The Commanders who first developed Gilead used several tactics to rid women of their independence. The first would be outlawing women to work and own their own bank account. Another would be that women no longer had control over their bodies. The Handmaids were used to make children and were raped by the Commanders while the Wives watched. Another tactic that was used to control women in Gilead was the language used. Women no longer had names but were defined by their positions. Handmaid’s names became that of the Commander they worked for. Offred was the Handmaid OF FRED. This use of language takes away women’s individuality and makes them mold into the framework of Gilead. Another interesting use of language is that of the Unwoman. Unwomen are those unable to conceive a child. This title puts power into childbearing and makes all those who can not conceive think they are not worthy to be called a woman. The control of women in Gilead is not too far off from the type of control women struggle with in America today. Women are fighting for rights to control their body and be able to provide for themselves. Today language is also used to control women such as the term slut or the negative connotations associated with the word feminist.
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