Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Misplaced Fear

This reading by Lisa Marie Hogeland brought me back to the first day of class when we took the survey and one of the questions was whether or not if you identified yourself as a feminist. And although some people agreed to the principles of what feminism is about they didn't call themselves feminists. For the most part I think it was because they had a negative association with the word feminism. Over many decades the idea of feminism has been discredited and tarnished by the media and people who wish to derail the movement. That for the most part has caused many young women to shy away from feminism and women's studies and other aspects that deal with their rights. It takes education and knowledge to get people to let go of their preconceived notions of feminism from what they created in their minds. People seem to be afraid of what they don't understand or have been led to think is bad but in actuality is in their best interest. Many institutions profit and have too much interest in the subjugation of women. So, by discrediting the means by which they can fight for their equality and against injustice they silence these women and brainwash them into believe that it is better to live under a system that doesn't have any or your interests at heart. I think it is time to change the system in which we live rather having to adjust to unjust circumstances.

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