Thursday, March 24, 2011

Aren't we in the 21st Century now?...

Holy crap! These articles were so appalling in so many ways; I’ll start with Emma Goldman. Why is it that people continue to have the mentality that our ultimate goal in life is marriage? That a man has the power of women blah blah blah. I clearly do not understand and she really pissed me off in this article. She compares marriage to an “insurance pact,” now she has got to be kidding me! This article would seriously scare girls and not want to get married. What happened to marriage being about LOVE? Now it’s all about money and power that a man has? She even states “marriage and love have nothing in common; they are as far apart as the poles are…” I feel like all Goldman is doing in her article is complaining about a woman not being able to enjoy sex because that is the most ‘competitive field’. It’s really incredible how women can actually call themselves slaves and not only slaves, but a slave of a man? It’s sad that women are still being identified as a dependent. Inputting this thought into our new generation is going to lead to some serious troubles. Maybe I have this outlook like these people are crazy because I grew up in a house hold where things were equal and my father never expected my mother to stay home and look after the house while he brought home all the money?

“Cheaper than a Cow” that is what women are seriously being compared to in India and it’s completely sickening but reality. Everything about this article was completely shocking to me but the most was the 3.5 MILLION abortions done annually for the cause of preventing having a girl child. These sick men so badly only want boys as their child and continue to abort the children that are not but it seems as if they aren’t realizing that it’s the women who have the dang children!! It's so sad that sex slavery still exists. If they keep doing this they’re not going to have any women left give them a boy. It’s so sad what’s going on over in India and hopefully communities can come together and stop trafficking.

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