Wednesday, March 23, 2011

"You may now kiss the bride"

After having read the article on marriage and love, there are some points in which I agree with her when she says that most women become slaves of men once they get married, and I really liked the point that she brought up about the life insurance. Getting married is a way of assurance for the woman to maintain a stable economic life, but in exchange to be slaves to their husbands in every way. Just because they are married it does not mean that woman cannot be sex slaves to their husbands and be forced to have sex with their partner. Many woman are also slaves when it comes to taking care of the household and the children they raise, and society forces them to be perfect moms to their children and the perfect wife to their husbands or else they are doing their “only” job wrong and therefore do not deserve the respect of their husbands. It is sad but true that most women now a day’s only get married because they see it as a way out of their poverty and they do not mind being dependent on the man unless they are being supported by a man because that is how most women in today’s society have been raised, they are being sucked in into this mentality forced upon them, and that is why most women are still afraid of getting involved in organizations and activists movements because they are too busy doing their “job” of being that perfect woman. I agree that some marriages are united because of love but from personal experience most of the marriages in my family have been ended because things just do not work out, and then where is the love? Where did it go? I think at first all marriages start by love and end because of economical problems or other excuses that men use to say that their woman were not being that perfect wife and did not please them.

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