Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Relationship Status

After a while, most girls who are single will start to say, "I think it's time for me to get a boyfriend." They're reasoning is something along the lines of, "I'm lonely and need some good love and affection." This isn't a bad thing, because having someone around does make someone feel good, as long as both people are in it for the right reasons. I've witnessed a few of my girl friends say things like this, and I'll admit I've said it before. However, some girls just don't get it when it comes to finding a guy. If a good looking guy seems interested, she'll go for it thinking "oh my gosh this really hot guy likes me!" She'll go out with him thinking how amazing he is and that she has fallen in love. When in fact, he's a loser. Doing stupid stuff with his friends, being a jerk to his girl, thinking it's okay to flirt with other girls while with her, etc. And of course his girlfriend knows this and still stands by him, just because she doesn't want to lose him! Even if I, or any other friend tells her otherwise, she'll turn to us and say, "but he really is a good guy," I'm so sure! Lose the jerk, find a decent guy that'll treat you right and not just keep you around for sex whenever he wants it. I'm not saying all guys are like this, because I know a lot of good ones out there, but I know even more guys who look at girls saying "I'd hit that" or something perverted, instead of wanting a girlfriend/serious relationship they want a girl for their sexual needs/desires. When I was reading Images of Relationships by Carol Gilligan I kept thinking to myself "That's guys for ya!" because she talked about the different images and how guys perceived something as more violent, while the girls didn't show any violence in their stories. It’s as though some guys don’t see relationships as being important or something they’d rather turn down and ignore, while girls are only thinking about their relationship status. Guys even laugh and make fun of their guy friends when they do stuff with their girlfriends, as if it's such a horrible thing!

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