Thursday, March 10, 2011

I'm Afraid Of PIKACHU'S!

The justification as to why lesbians chose to become lesbians will never come to a single conclusion. Adrienne Rich lists some of the reasons as to why we have lesbianism but they are a bit confusing. She tells us to not narrow it down to females wanting the experience of being with another female sexually. She mentions that we should expand our thinking to the sharing of a rich inner life, the bonding against male tyranny, and to receiving and giving of practical and political support. Perhaps bad experiences with men can lead a woman to turn to another woman for companionship. She mentions the case of a novel where the woman is a victim in a violent relationship with a man and she does not know why she stays in the relationship. This could be the case to many lesbians, but we can't just blame men for this. She also mentions the sharing of a rich inner life. I don't see how this could be a reason for lesbianism because this is what we look for in every relationship, heterosexual or homosexual.
I think that trying to understand or justify as to why a person is homosexual is not explainable. There is no biological or psychological explanation. What if we put to the side the fact that we even have sexes (male & female) and think to ourselves " If we were all the same and could chose a partner who we would like to be with, we wouldn't have to worry about the sex of that person because we wouldn't have a sex" . We would chose a person based on their attributes, qualities, values, morals, and personalities and this way we won't even have homosexual oppression. This would mean no gender roles or sexisms existence as well. But the harsh truth is that we live in a society where we try to find an explanation to EVRYTHING! We find ourselves asking a "why" to anything that happens. I have a co-worker who is homosexual and was asked by his professor, "why do you chose men, instead of women?" and his response to this was, " I hate pikachu's!" (refering to the women's genitals). His professor responded with another question, "But why do you hate them if you came out of one?", and my co-worker enraged by the fact that the professor couldn't simply understand it responds with, " I didn't come out of one, my mother had a C-section so god didn't want me anywhere near pikachu's since the beginning!". He did this of course to mix religion into the conversation and I thought he just wanted to fail the class.

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