Monday, March 7, 2011

Same 'Ol Thing

In the article by Hamilton what jumps out at me is the lengths some women will go in order to perform to gain attention from men. The active partiers always refer to how men perceive them and only feel "hot" when fitting this mold of what is good looking the so called "blonde" look. These girls often exhibited horizontal hostility to other girls who didn't ascribe to the notions of beauty calling them lesbians and unfeminine. But what they can't see is that they are the ones who are blinded to the fact that they allowing and even fighting for men to tell them whether they are beautiful or not. I think the reading mentions how women felt the erotic attention from men was important and rewarding and felt a blow to their self esteem if they didn't receive attention. This importance that these woman attach to man's approval is problematic especially when they are engaging in homoerotic activities with other girls just for the attention they seek. As well they still condemn actual lesbian women and think they are physically disgusting. This sentiment leaves lesbian women feeling like they have to hide their sexuality for fear of being shunned by her peers. I think this feeling is more prominent with the active partiers rather than the ones who don't party is because the girls who do party a lot are conforming to this idea of a singular beauty which has to be validated by men. Many girls are systematically disadvantaged through messages in the media making them feel the need to comply with this "blonde" ideal in order to gain a sense of superiority over other women but it is like a double edged sword in that they are only futhering there subordination to men.

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