Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sum Ting Wong...With You...

Perhaps if we set aside our differences, maybe Americans will one day stop "bitch'n" about everything. We as Americans always seem to have something that does not meet our criteria. Everyday passing day we find something to complain about, something to blame, someone to tell "Hey! there is something wrong with you."

Growing up, I did not realize the blitzkrieg attack that gays, lesbians, and everything in between stress about each day. So why don't we read books by gay men title "Mein Kampf?" The reason is, because it is not socially acceptable. I will be the first to admit, that I once carried a deprecation particularly toward gay men. It was not until later in life that I realized my own uncle was indeed this very thing I hated. I was young and naive, with no greater philosophy on the subject than what I heard at school, that gay men were bad because they (quote) "took it up the a**." I was too young to thoroughly revise my ideas and beliefs, I could picture was execrable images of two gay males.

But why is it that I only felt this prejudice against gay men? What was it about lesbian women, that although not socially acceptable, it still refines the idea of homosexuality? It's ok to watch lesbian porn, but somehow gay porn must be watched discreetly, or it's looked down upon. Now I'm not saying I watch gay porn or anything, I'm simply stating that Americans can not tolerate homosexuality, but when it comes down to a computer, I can guarantee that at least 50% of American can be caught looking at lesbian or gay pornography at 12:01am doing non other than...yep, you guessed it.

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