Thursday, March 24, 2011

Cheap Car Insurance and a Lifetime of Hurt

I see marriage as a corrupted institution. Marriage is just an economic device used to perpetuate the institution of private property. My disdain for marriage is not rooted from my parent’s marriage. In fact, I think their marriage is too perfect and for that I have no intentions of ever getting married. I want to be able to love as many people as I want and commit myself to them forever. I don’t need to confine myself to loving one person forever. I sound arrogant and condescending but I honestly don't believe that marriage, in the traditinal sense, has any advantages well, maybe it has some perks like cheaper auto insurance. Nonetheless, paying less for car insurnace will not change my feelings about marriage. Period.

Goldman was well ahead her time when she wrote the essay and she did an excellent job voicing my feelings about marriage too. One particular part of the essay that had resounding effect on me was when she stated that marriage insurance condemns women to “life-long dependency, to parasitism, [and] to complete uselessness.” How profound is this and truthful. For example, a woman entering a marriage may share the same economic strife with her husband; however, in the end, she will end up losing because she would have to fulfill her role as mother and wife and feel useless because her share of the burden will be surpassed by other troubling things in life like babies and satiating her husbands sexual needs. Also I believe that if marriage never existed then young women in India wouldn’t be sold. If marriage never existed gay couples would have many children with no repercussions. If marriage never existed the infanticide of girls in India would seize. If marriage never existed I wouldn't be writing this post.

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