Monday, March 7, 2011

love shmove

It’s safe to say that men and women look at relationships very differently.
The first thing we think is men only want sex, and women want prince charming. Am I right or am I right?
Women are afraid of being alone, and men enjoy their space. Men feel as though they lose a part of their masculinity by being close to a woman. I believe this to be societal influences. Men are taught from the moment they are born to keep their feelings inside.
Boys don’t cry. MYTH. Crying is actually very healthy. I read an article a few years ago saying that the average woman cries 2-3 times a month, whereas men cry once every year or so.

I have a younger brother (17) and the last time I saw him cry was when he was about 10. This is so sad. What was more upsetting to me is that the other day he and I were talking, because I could tell something was upsetting him. He was so closed and had not walls, but castles up. He ended up crying, but five minutes later, wiped his tears and put on his serious face. I asked, of course, if he wanted to talk about what just happened. He replied, “no, I should not be crying. Please don’t tell dad.” In this moment, I realized just how much men are pressured to have a ‘tough’ and ‘masculine’ persona. I found it ironic my brother cried in front of me just a month before I read this article.

Going back to my original point, LOVE. Growing up as a little girl, I always envisioned myself meeting my prince charming and falling in love. It didn’t take me long to figure out just how wrong the Disney movies were. I trusted them. How dare they tell me I would have to sit around and wait for a handsome caring man to sweep me off my feet and despite my choice, I would “fall in love.’ I completely agree with Hook’s article. She talks about love and how it is a choice. You choose who you love, and if you chose to love a loser, that is your fault. I hate to admit this, but I was ‘one of those girls.’ You know, the one that thought she ‘fell in love’ and had ‘no choice.’ Bullshit. I chose to love an abusive loser. And the fact that I thought I didn’t chose to love him justified his shittyness. Disney, stop feeding young girls bullshit about how they will fall in love and that our future lover is predetermined. It’s screwing up our mentality.

Chose a good person that you mesh with to love, and do not, for the love of god, base it off of sexual attraction alone.

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