Thursday, March 3, 2011

He's the man, She's a slut

After reading the article "Pop Culture Gone Wild", Valenti addresses a lot of issues that are true in today's society. I found this article entertaining as well as very honest. Everyone knows sex sells and they have gone above and beyond to be a part of it. I have never been exposed to as many shows as the ones out today that portray that it's all about sex. The playmates that all have gotten a reality show like Kendra, Holly's World, and Girl s next door just to name a few, all portray this image that women are expected to compete with. A lot of people forget that the reason they look this way is because of all the work they have had done. All of these girls have breast implants, lypo, botox, and any other cosmetic surgery to "fix" themselves. I can only imagine the pressure they are dealing with trying to keep up with themselves. Shows on VH1 that portray men to be "the man", like flava flave, Ray J, and Terrell Owens have all been about them finding the one but in reality it never works out. When people see the men going through different women and playing this game, it's all good. If the situation is reverse and the girl is competing with these girls and plays the game she is labeled as "the slut". It's a never ending battle when it comes to double standards between men and women. When the man gets all the ladies he is seen as some sort of God, when the women gets all the men she is seen as easy and automatically slutty. Another point Valenti made in the article was when she said "Be a Virgin but sexy", which has never quite made sense to me. Men find it a good challenge when they meet a girl and find out she's a virgin, but they also expect you to know what your doing. If you're good in bed the man assumes it's cause you've had a lot of experience and well you've been around. It sends a mixed message to women because if they act one way or another they're always wrong. If they remain a virgin, they are prude. If they have a lot of sex partners in their lifetime they are loose. I think that it's only going to get more interesting as time goes on.

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