Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Violence in feeling trapped

Images of violence and relationships are two things that should not be in the same sentence. So why is it that males have a consistent view and disposition of violence toward relationships. The tendency of male violence is a mystery for several reasons. The males today have the same violent tendency as males from previous generations. My grandmas from both sides of my family tell me how my dad and uncles were violent when growing up and used to also get in fights with each other. Therefore we know it's not a generational thing so that cancels out the idea of the exposure to violent video games, movies or tv shows. Men are portrayed to be violent toward women through the media but that shows no more effect overall. Many women watch and play these things and are not effected. So what could it be? I feel that there has a lot to do with how males are raised and cultured to act. The expectation of men and to not be considered a wimp and other non masculine things has more of an impact then one might originally think. The danger of intimacy must stem from the expectations that are set. The effect of the expectation of not sharing their feelings makes them feel that if they will lose a sense of masculinity. This causes them to feel trapped and not able to connect with their manly side. So love maybe is a trap for them?

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