Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Old School Rules

It has dawned upon me that the institution of marriage is old fashioned and obsolete. Why you ask? Well there are several reasons. Goldman says and i agree with that " marriage is an economic arrangement, an insurance pact." Marriage is a binding pact in which the women is put in a subordinate position to her spouse. As with many marriages the man is breadwinner and the women stays at home to take care of the house, one of the hardest jobs you will find deserving of great recognition, but for the most part ignored and tossed at the wayside as just a part of being a housewife and serving your husband. We have been taught to think of marriage as a sacred institution between a man and a women. Oh no! never a women and a women or a man and a man. However marriage is constantly made a mockery of with so many failed marriages ending in divorce. Also reality TV shows like the Bachelor that mock the so called "sanctity" of marriage. I think marriage is something that is outdated and anachronistic from a time where people got married to unite their families and increase their economic prosperity and continue their lineage. In this day and age I believe that we shouldn't perpetuate the idea of marriage that coerces people to get married if they are in love or that love will foster itself when you get married, and that excludes some people who love each other based on their sexuality. I think that marriage has outlived its purpose in our society with its usage to deny people the right to have children. If we have to have DOMAs to defend marriage I think it is high time that the institution of marriage is abolished, changed or renovated in some way that does not exclude others, prevent people from having children, or pit the wife below her husband.

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