Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Being Grateful!

After reading the articles, I began to realize that there is so much Americans take for granted so much. We are privileged regardless of race and sex, we as Americans are better off than most the world. Goldman complains about the situation of women being stuck in a bad marriage and not being able to experience sex fully, which I do not understand. But regardless women and men in America do not have much to complain about. Everyone reading has most likely eaten several meals today, this already makes you better off than most the world. I realize women have their struggles and are oppressed but let's be grateful we are not in India where you would be sold and treated as a sex slave. We get lost in our day to day lives and forget how blessed we are to live in a country where we have so much more than the rest of the world, and are able to go to a school and get an education, and have access to food, clothing, technology and healthcare (which we get for free). I understand Goldman's point, but I do not think she would have had as much energy toward marriage in America if she would have read the article Kennedy wrote on India and the suffering of the women there. Even Gomes point on the challenges that gays face do not compare to what so many Indian women face everyday. I consider myself very fortunate because I have a variety of clothes to wear, food to eat, a car to drive, a cellphone, a laptop, a house, friends, family, an education, a job and money to buy everything else I need. Be grateful for everything you need!

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