Thursday, March 17, 2011

Why does it matter?

Society is the most cunning form of oppression. Societies as a whole have served to define its members in one way or another throughout time. In past societies what we call homosexual relations were normal and expected, not scrutinized. It seems a bit ridiculous given our past that we now have the need to label everything and make it fit into some square when it's a triangle. Where does this need to define something or someone come from? I used to define myself entirely through society's standards, but eventually I came to the conclusion that who are they to tell me who I am and what I should do. Do I still conform to their laws and ways of life? Unfortunately yes, but only because I am not ready to spend my life in prison, but as far as my thinking goes I am on the opposite end of the spectrum. Rather than taking what they give me with a silver spoon I inspect what is said looking for the poison. By doing this I have been able to consider all peoples and their ways of life with a more open mind. I no longer think of them as wrong or in opposition to our society, but as just themselves. In terms of homosexuality as we call it I have found that throughout history it is something natural and that they didn’t feel the need to define them as homosexuals, but just as sexual beings. Why is that no longer the case? Why can’t we just be sexual?

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