Thursday, March 10, 2011

Domination can be overturned!

In Rich’s article, she starts off by listing at least eight facts as to how men show their dominance over women and how it is maintained. This angered me because it was said in a way that made women look like they have no desire to fight back and claim their respect for themselves, so here are all the ways in which I would refute some of these domination claims. Number one, to deny women sexuality. This one is simple, STOP listening to these men so critically, and don’t let them force you into a hysterectomy. How is that even something forced upon you? If a man threatens to leave you for not getting one, then he is not good for you anyways and that should be a sign to leave. Two, to force male sexuality upon them. This one is a little more difficult to avoid because rape and incest are beyond control. What I would do to avoid this is not put myself in a situation vulnerable to get raped. Don’t go places alone, and if your husband or boyfriend shows signs of aggression, leave! No man is worth that harm. Three, to command or exploit their labor to control their produce. I am not saying that women should be getting paid to be mothers, but when you let a man control whether you choose to work and make your own money or not, you are giving him that power. Take it back from him, go get yourself a job, and show men that women are just as capable to be self-sufficient. Four, to control or rob them from children. I think this is possibly the worst thing a man can deprive a woman of and it should have a zero tolerance policy. If women were smart, they would have that talk before getting married because I have witnessed many couples that divorce because of the children issue. However, as far as legality goes there is not much to be done. If you are a bad mother, then you deserve your child be taken away, case closed.

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