Saturday, April 2, 2011



After reading Valenti’s reading on “Real” Women Have Babies, I was somewhat perplexed with how often I will condemn those that wish not to have children. I too have found myself saying to other women who have expressed they do not want children that they will soon want one. I started questioning however how much women really want one or how many times they have children because of the immense pressure to have one. I have found myself thinking about my own desire to have children. Do I really love babies and how fuzzy and cute they are or could I realistically overlook the fact that I have not patience for toddlers and their insane need to explore their surroundings? Mind you that is just the beginning. I have not given it much effort or thought, even though after I get married this year, the when will you have children question will start to be the main topic of friends and loved ones. It is such a societal effort to push the baby notion on women. They have pushed the get married notion thus far but why don’t they push they be Happy notion.There is hardly any talk about how they will take up all your time, how you will become second, how your needs will now take a back seat. However, if you even utter the words of disliking motherhood, or think about yourself you are selfish and as Valenti points out not a fit or good mother. Why don’t they push women to get an education, why don’t they push them to go for the next step in their career? My answer is that is it is simply to keep women back from their true potential, just like it has been done for ages.

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