Thursday, April 7, 2011

All wrong

After reading the article "The Politics of Housework", it reminded me of when I was younger and I always asked my mom why the girls were doing majority of the work. Growing up with two older brothers and my dad in the house, I got to experience just how much more women do around the house. My sister, my mom, and I pretty much had to do everything. When I would ask how come my dad didn't have to do these things she would say "I don't like the way he does it", other than the manly chores that involved lifting heavy stuff my brothers got away with pretty much doing nothing. Any time my mom would ask them to make their bed they did it all wrong, I wasn't sure if it was on purpose because they figured she would stop asking if she had to go and straighten it up anyway or if they just really were bad at it. In the article she quoted a husband " I don't mind sharing the housework, but I don't do it very well. We should each do things we're best at". I noticed that men are always good at the things they love doing, I think it's bs when they say they are not good at it, I just think it's an easy way out. My mom used to always go and fix anything my dad tried to do. Something as little as the way he folded the towels the few times he attempted. I would ask what she was doing and her answer was "he does it all wrong", she said they just agreed that she will do majority of the housework simply because when he does it wrong she just gets frustrated with him. I think I would still make him do some sort of housework, it's not fair to just be all the woman's job.

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