Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Closer to Equal

From personal observations, I have to disagree with some of the points made by Mainardi in “The Politics of Housework.” Although I do find the meanings of her quotes interesting and somewhat true, they are outdated! In reality (from my personal observations), men are more willing to help with household chores than almost 40 years ago.

I remember from my childhood the household chores my mom and my dad were responsible for: mom did the cooking, laundry, and cleaning while dad took out the trash bins to the curb on trash day and take us to the park. They did traditional gender related chores and they both worked outside of the home.

Now, both my parents still work but they both take part in all of the household chores. In my childhood years I would have never caught my dad cooking, cleaning or doing laundry. But as the years have passed my dad partakes in all household chores. Is it because they are older, or is it because expectations have changed over the years?

Observing younger couples helped me to answer some questions. One of my cousins had a child almost three years ago. Her husband helps her clean the house, does some cooking, and even helped in changing the baby’s diaper. They both work outside of the home and take care of their child and home. I see this attitude and pattern in more men and couples today.

Parenting standards have also changed, making it easier for boys to help around the house when they become older and have households of their own. Boys are now being told to wash dishes, clean bathrooms, and cook for themselves. I have a few male cousins who cook for their families, mop, wash dishes, etc. and I believe it is because of the expectations they had earlier in life. Compared to my uncles who only did “manly” chores around the house, my cousins are more willing to help with all types of household duties.

My dad, or men of his age and older, never changed a dirty diaper, but I think that it is more acceptable for men to help with their children in our current society. I think there is slow progress being made, but slowly men have been willing to help with household work.

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