Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Are women a part of the problem?

In the readings for this week, both WVF and Valenti brought up the topic of sexual harassment, rape, and other forms of violence against women. Valenti makes a strong point that women are being blamed for all of these happenings, AND THEY SHOULDN’T BE. However, I do believe that if women were to act and dress differently, then the numbers for rape and harassment would drop by a lot. No, it is not only the women’s fault that these terrible things happen, but they do play a part in it. If you were to just take a step back in your surroundings and look at the different scenarios, you would find that men are naturally attracted to women who flaunt their bodies and women who are flirtatious. I’m not saying that these two things are wrong, but when women go around town, or especially somewhere unfamiliar, looking like they had just came from a strip joint, yes they are asking to get raped. Women should know these things happen and taking precautions is just a part of our lives. Women cannot stop men from raping and attacking them, but maybe they wouldn’t be the target if they weren’t so slutty looking. Men are the main problem in that they are the ones acting upon it, but women are not total victims. Especially the women that talk to total strange men on the internet and give people their information they do not know. THAT IS ASKING TO GET RAPED. Women need to be more aware of what happens in the world and stop acting so naïve.


  1. I know this is a late comment, but something needs to be said.

    It is this kind of thinking that perpetuates the thought that men should not and cannot control themselves because a woman is provoking them with the way she is dressed. She is "asking for it". Bullshit. You are also buying into the idea of the "boogeyman rapist". HELLO!!! 2/3 of rape victims KNOW their rapists. 2/3!!! That's over 50%. I'm sorry, but if you still think that the only rapists out there are hiding in bushes and lurking in corners then not only did you not understand the reading, but you are also looking in all the wrong places. If you really think that women cannot stop men from raping and attacking them then you are severely underestimating the power of a woman. Statistics show that most women who fight their attackers have a a higher chance of survival. Women can be strong and protect themselves, but they shouldn't have to, especially just because of what they are wearing.

    I want you to go to an emergency room where rape victims are admitted. Tell me what they are wearing and how they describe their rapes. I will bet that 9 times out of 10 the woman is wearing jeans and a sweatshirt. Tell me does that sound like someone who "just came from a strip joint"? Yeah, and these are just the brave ones who actually try to go through the process. Oh, and I highly doubt they were "asking to get raped".

    As for the internet argument. NO ONE should be giving out their personal information and that just shows poor judgment, but it is still not asking to be raped.

  2. So this is a month late and Im sure this discussion won't be further developed or read, but rebellionjedidancer you've done a good job pointing this out. Im concerned by csufgirl's mindset. Im hoping the author has read your response but I have to say you have to give some credit to the men. Not all men are raging sex machines in fact, their drive to raping a woman is embedded in this issue of control and power. Give the poor guys some justice. I'm hoping csufgirl has realized her wrongful thinking. If only there was some way for her/him to see this and respond to it. I remeber this blogger. He/she has written other controversial posts, but hey they formulate discussion.
