Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Lost Innocence

Leuchtag states the importance about the issue of human trafficking which is one of the most profitable businesses in the sex industry. She discusses the narrative about a young woman who experienced the horrible crime of human trafficking. For example, if anyone has seen the movie “Human Trafficking”, it is a film about the human trafficking business. This film demonstrates all the horrible experiences some young women go through when they fall into the hands of these predators. This film also incorporates one more important issue that was previously discussed in the class. The issues of how beauty can be play an important role. Beauty plays such an important role in this film. The young girls are brought into the business by encouraging them to join their “modeling agency” which in reality is a trafficking/prostitution. This is such a powerful film that portrays the reality of the trafficking of humans. An experience that one of my brother’s friends had was about a prostitute offering to take a picture with him if he paid her. Nowadays, the prostitutes are everywhere. If you’re walking down Harbor Blvd at anytime, you see women of all ages offering themselves to men for so little money. This business is opening the doors to more STD’s, unwanted pregnancies, deaths due to violence of men, and more young girls looking for east money.
            Another important point that is discussed is how violence plays into the sex trafficking/prostitution. As we all know, if the women don’t do their job and bring the amount the “pimps” ask for, the beating and the verbal abuse begins. The control of men takes the rights of women. Women who work for these pimps are deprived from their own sexual pleasures and loose the sense of their own body. The abuse shapes their thoughts about themselves. If there would be a solution to this problem, it would definitely have to be educating women about what their rights are. We need to open up the doors to more educational opportunities as well as many job opportunities so women don’t fall in the trap of this billion making business.

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