Tuesday, April 12, 2011

To dress or not to dress like Snooki

Campus life is the breeding ground of ensuing violence. In my first year of college, I was not involved into the party scene as I am now. Luckily, hearing other’s experiences and stories about their sexual encounters (or lack thereof) and warnings against certain parties has made me I believe a very mature “partier.” However, my expertise in beer pong and skill in evading BOMOs (black out, make-outs) has made me ill- prepared for any future repercussions I may face. As cited in Carr’s essay, Kilmartin, states that “rape and other partner violence…emphasizes power imbalances between the sexes and the social forces that create and maintain these balances.” I believe the only social forces that enforce these imbalances are men. The same men who are making advertisements, producers televising raunchy t-shows depicting the subservience of women and the multiple structure of oppression that are too many to name as a result lead to violence against women. Not so long ago I had witnessed how these power structures play. At a party last weekend I witnessed a man harass and poke fun of his girlfriend after she had dressed, and I quote “whoreish” to the party (Come on! The theme was Jersey Shore, you can’t wear a nun’s habit!). Anyhow, the boyfriend continued to mock his girlfriend eventually he had cooled down and walked away to drink his anger away with his other Neanderthal friends. Amazing. The girl continued on happily throughout the night dancing and ignoring her boyfriend until finally, towards the end of the party she and her boyfriend made up and left the party like nothing had happened. As a witness I had nothing to say because I had no business but I regret not intervening for fear of being called nosy. I just hope that nothing further happened between the couple.

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