Monday, April 11, 2011

“Just Blame It On The Alcohol”

In the Valenti reading, “The Blame (and Shame) Game” there are a few points in which I agree with her. In the reading she identifies various reasons of why women get the blame for getting raped or sexually assaulted. One of the reasons she gives and which I agree with is the one that women should know better. Yes, I know that most women it is not their fault they got sexually harassed or in extreme cases they got raped, but I do think that most of these cases could have been prevented. Women know the risks that they are getting themselves into everywhere they go, most of the time. Women decide to drink by their own choice, they decide to go to parties on their own, no one points a gun to their head to attend any of these gatherings. Women decide to wear what they were, knowing whether they are showing too much or if they are being conservative. Women decide who they associate with, who they drive with, who they talk to, unless some women are really that naïve. Most are not. I think guys do have a right to say that certain women brought this upon themselves by their acts. Of course, if there were real gentlemen out there, they would not dare touch a drunk girl or try to do anything against her will, but that is very rare and most girls know that, and they go out knowing that trouble awaits them if they decide to be irresponsible. Women know the consequences of getting drunk, the consequences of “showing too much”, the consequences of their own irresponsible decisions. So, why would they want to run the risk of such a thing as getting raped or any other violent crime? Yes, I know it sucks that every time we go out with have to be cautious about everything for being women, just the idea that freedom is important in this country, we live in a prison ourselves. Unless, more changes are done and movements prosper against such violence, this is the real world.

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