Thursday, April 7, 2011

Home Sweet Home?

When reading Politics of Housework and Maid to Order I kept thinking, "I'm lazy as it is when it comes to housework, if my parents had a maid I'd be screwed." Growing up my brother, sister and I always had to split the housework. I never realized how we split the chores up. My brother was always doing the outside work, mowing the lawn, picking up dog poop, etc. And my sister and I were always inside, cleaning bathrooms, dusting, dishes, vacuuming, etc. The reading had mentioned this about how yardwork isn't done so often, but those other inside chores come around a lot more, like dishes and vacuuming (when you have dogs that shed alot). But how can some people, who have maids, really call their house a home? They don't put any work into it. I used to always love being home, it was my place. I did a lot around of the house, so it became my comfort place. Nowadays I'm not around as much, at school, work, or going out. So I don't do much cleaning around the house, even though it's usually good anyway, minus the dog hair! I notice that now I refer to my house as a house. Not a home. It's strange how that worked out for me. When reading about these maids doing all the work, I just think how the parents probably go to work come home spend little time with the kids and that's it. The kids would have no responsibilities. I couldn't even imagine growing up with a maid doing all my laundry and work.

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