Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The average voter

Valenti makes a good point where women in politics would better represent women.
The problem however is getting more women in office. As educated individuals we may be all for this however the fact remains that in order to run a campaign you need money. Where do most of these campaigners get there money? From oil companies and various corporations that try to get political power in order to save themselves from paying taxes. Unfortunately these same companies are the guys who backed bush. Again, as educated individuals, we may have voted against Bush but the majority of people swayed by commercials and ads bought by campaign money will counteract your vote.

The one solution I agree completely with Valenti on is that more single women should actually start voting. Especially if it meant getting Kerry in office. Bush's policies against women should have lit a powder keg. Unfortunately like the majority of people who do not vote the women, according to the article, felt that their votes would not have mattered when in reality this is far from the truth. So many people feel that there votes don't matter when in actuality it does. Each and every vote brings a candidate closer to victory and if these women don't vote, then naturally males who do not care about women will be elected since the women's voice is unfortunately absent from the polls.

Going off topic
I find it funny how one of our most successful presidents, Bill Clinton, got many of his ideas such as medicare and medicade from his wife Hillary Clinton.

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