Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Whether you like it or not!

While reading The Blame (and Shame) Game, by Valenti many thoughts raced through my head. How is it possible that after being the victims of such a horrifying event women can get blamed for being responsible? Men have been taught that they are in control of women and I guess this is why they take advantage of this. But women getting blame for this event should not surprise me. I have previously had a conversation with my father about this issue and he seems to believe that at many times women are to blame. But, I seem to think the opposite. He believes that women can at times be too flirtatious and be all over men that they make it seem as if they want to have sex with that person. When it comes to that point those women just want to back off and there is where the men do not want to accept “no” as an answer. Like I have told him men just take advantage of that flirting and of their man power. Men flirt the same way with women and women are not out taking advantage of that flirting, making men do something they do not want.
There was also a part that got my attention. There are men out there who like to expose themselves to women. I remember walking to school one day with my cousin. We were just chatting and we suddenly see a car slow down next to us with the visor on the passenger side down covering his face and this guy playing with his “private”. Of course we never told anyone. I just thought what a nasty thing. But later I analyzed the situation and it was like that man knew exactly what he was doing and he waited for the correct time when no other cars were passing by to do his obscenity. Men just need to realize that women are not there to please them. We need to make aware that women need to be valued and not underappreciated.

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