Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Bread Winners

If there was ever a woman to know the essential truth about wage discrimination, it would be my mother. Yes, my mother, the woman who's uterus has given birth to eight boys (either it's ground-zero down there, or she is the face behind wonder woman). Ok, lets do the math here, she has given birth to eight boys, average pregnancy= roughly nine months, 8x9=72, 72 months divided by 12 (12 months in on year)=6. Six years!! For God's sake, the woman has been pregnant for an unbearable six years of her life. Now I'm not saying my mother is a living personification of a rabbit, but let's be moderately honest here, she has carried extra baggage for quite some time. Whatever it was that inspired my mother to have 8 kids (assuming that most of us were planned), she has had some life experiences, battling for jobs to raise her kids. I do recall times when my mother would get home after giving birth and finding out that she was laid-off from her job. Growing up, countless times I could remember my mother struggling to find a job, with no college education, and very little high school completion, ideally, I can understand why it would be a prolonged level of difficulty for her to find a job. On the other hand, her first five pregnancies, my father would not allow my mother to work. Like Valenti explains in Material World, my father was "one of those guys," who would forbid a woman to work (that is, not counting that he was a controlling, jealous, impractical bastard, who swore on the Holy Bible, that my mother was f****** every guy that came across her sight, and yes, for the record that included her peripherals). My father deeply believed that a woman should have a meal ready when he got home from work. Having no experience, after the divorce, you can imagine how demanding jobs seemed to be for my mother, but I turned out alright, so that must say something about the woman my mother is. Although I do believe my mother, gets paid a salary that is drastically less than that of an average working mommy, she has done the best with what God has blessed her with.

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