Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Front lines and Borders

In the Lopez and Hasso article, I found it extremely interesting how the women whether they were at home or at school they were receiving ethnic struggles at school but when they were at home they received gender struggles. It was after reading this article that I realized how blessed we, as in students and faculty, at Cal State Fullerton to experience such diversity at our university. We have so many different races that are represented in our university, many of races that predominate in most other regions and universities are now considered almost the minorities. With this said, I cannot completely relate with these women and what they experienced, but I can see how lucky I am and how hard it may have been for them. We as students here at Cal State Fullerton are able to experience diversity and I cannot imagine not being able to share my opinion in class. We have the opportunity to hear and learn about different ethnicities and cultures because of the respect we show each other. This is something other schools cannot share in because of the problem that can occur when the diversity is not widespread as in most schools. I do not feel that Cal State Fullerton has brought me any negative experiences, just positives. My outlook on the world has become more clear to see what is really going on and it just brings me back to seeing how blessed we are in Southern California and in America. Things could be better but they takes time, we have progressed in our understanding of each other and are learning to live with and respect the people they do not just look like us.

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