Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A Longing to be White

Nellie Wong's poem evokes the point that often people of color want to become white and exhibit dominant white culture. Wong focuses on how throughout her childhood she grew up being shunned for her darker skin and her sisters were praised for their lighter skin. I find it sad that cultures that live and come to America want to become white. I feel as though many families assimilate into dominate white culture because they think that it is somehow superior to theirs. This obviously has a negative effect on children who feel ashamed of their cultural heritage and feel limited by it. As a person of color I feel as though it should be the opposite, you shouldn't disregard the uniqueness of your race and culture but rather let it empower you. Media has instilled the idea that white is pure and better than people of color through the English language that denigrates those of color. With people of color being systematically told that they are inferior it is not surprising that many want to resemble white Americans but this serves only to perpetuate this circle of oppression and feeling of inferiority.

In my experience I have never been ashamed of being black and Mexican but rather proud of my heritage. I take pride in who I am and I attribute that to the fact that in my family there was never this idea that having a lighter complexion was better or that our heritage was something to be ashamed of. However, I realize that this is not the norm for other families and that until we get rid of this notion of white superiority we cannot move forward with race relations.

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree more. Society and its norms have put being unique as an unwelcomed thing. I am very proud of my heritage. Society puts white as being pure but as i see it even the white can get dirty just as any other color can, so there is not much difference there.
