Monday, February 14, 2011

Two Sexes Are Not Enough

While reading chapter #3 and the reading Two Sexes Are Not Enough, I became even more aware of how gender is reproduced in society. Since before we are born we are type casted as girl or boy. Girls are seen as soft and pretty, while boys are seen as strong and assertive. There are already certain toys from which we are supposed to play with, and even blue and pink are colors that are geared to its perspective gender. Now I assume that one of the worst parts of the whole gender inequality equation is the lack of acceptance from others, but there are things that are simple as filling in a box that become problematic. If you are not female or male which box do you fill, if you identify yourself with being a man, but you are physically a woman which restroom do you enter? There are many things in society that are geared for females and males, but not for other.

One of the most upsetting aspects that were presented in this reading was the response from an advertisement published in the New York Times on Fausto’s suggestion of acknowledging five genders society. In which it states that only women and men are rooted in nature. (Shaw 141) How so are individuals that are born intersexed not human? Why are they not rooted from nature? It is unfortunate that people can be so close-minded and intolerant. People should have the option of identify as whatever they wish without reprehension from others.

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