Monday, February 21, 2011

"I'm a Three-Pad Man!!"

While reading through the article written by Gloria Steinem, “If Men Could Menstruate” I laughed from most of the remarks that it said. I found it very interesting and shocking at how men would react if they had a period or better yet if they could give birth. Through the years, women have been seen as weak, soft and delicate due to this monthly happening, but they are never found unique or something a girl brags about, at least most women, not all of them. I find it funny that if men could menstruate, it would be something to brag about, and they would feel even more superior and special just for the fact that they are men, and they would still find a way to consider themselves superior to us. It may not be real, but just the thought of it scares me because then where would women stand? Women would still be considered inferior and anything possible that a woman does will still not make them equal to man. Sad to say but that is the way society has been raised and the way people have raised and influenced the thinking within their nuclear families and if it were to be miraculously possible I am pretty sure that is how men would be portrayed, they would be placed on an altar.


  1. I completely agree with this. I was also laughing at the fact that it could be possible for a monthly period be something to brag about having. If they want it they can have it. Be my guest!

  2. That picture is disturbing...what kind of haircut is that?!
