Monday, February 14, 2011

White Privilege and Male Privilege

The article that Peggy Mclntosh did about the certain privileges white males have did not surprise me at all. I always thought about these privileges but I never saw them written down and being studies especially in woman studies. After having read through the list I did come across many privileges that I have experienced myself and witnessed as a Latina. I realize that many of these privileges are unconscious and most of the white males do not realize these privileges are taken place and many do realize them. Many of these privileges that whites and male face have negative and positive outcomes behind them . Having that male privilege also puts down the other genders in my opinion because it is showing that society and politics favors males more, especially if they are of white ethnicity. I agree with the last paragraph that Peggy Mclntosh has to say about how to cure and how to deal with these advantages. In her opinion the solution to this is to use these unearned advantages to weaken invisible privilege systems and to use those powers to try to reconstruct power systems on a broader base (pg 98). These white privileges are so invisible and blend in with society norms that many people are not able to distinguish them, but those who do have to do something about it in order to change the system in my opinion and start taking action in order to start changing the way people are so used to seeing.

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