Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I Want Your Boyfriend!!!

After having read the article written by Jennifer Scanlon I am even more amazed at the different ideas she pointed out concerning girls and their social structure which defines them as they are growing into their adolescent stage. I realize how society tries to indirectly pursue girls to make boys their priority in life, and to have this very high dependency on the male figure automatically placing themselves inferior to boys. The board games discussed throughout the article all have to do either with a girls appearance and shopping or boys. None of the games that were discussed in the article challenged the intellectual of the girls, and even though it says the Life is still a very popular game, it is amazing how these other games that have no point in them, that’s sets the wrong mind sets on girls and in my opinion brainwashing them are growing in popularity amongst the youth of this generation. Personally, I do not think that these board games should be created for ages 8 & up. At this very young age, young girls should not be expanding their minds to that extreme and have boys number one in their mind. Especially if these young girls do not have supporting and encouraging parents to tell them what is right at the moment, they will grow with this idea and as they get older they will be playing out the actual board game but in reality. Instead of girls worrying about what college they are going to go to, they will be worrying about who is dating their ex boyfriend, and this just closes their mind set it blocks them from thinking clearly and in an ambitious way towards life and success.

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